Chiropractic Adjustments
Chiropractic adjustments can help you safely eradicate your back pain. The unique aspect of adjusting is the direct stimulation of mechanoreceptors, using mechanical pressure. Patients often hear a small popping or cracking sound in their back with adjustments and this occurs when spinal joints are stretched out and the joint itself opens and the shifting air causes the cracking sound. After adjustments, our patients report a remarkable increase in their ability to move their lower back. Even though your muscles may remain sore or tight, the range of motion in your spine is vastly improved.

Instrument Adjustment
Advanced technology assists in delivering chiropractic adjustments. Instrument adjustments are high-tech. The adjustment is very precise and targeted and designed to specifically care for just the right areas. Patients have no discomfort during the adjustment and the results are amazing. The adjustment is delivered with precise force and speed and patients can be totally relaxed in not anticipating a physical manipulation.