Rid yourself of the toxins that enter your body through the air, water, food, and stress that is taken in. The EB-Pro ion therapy system is designed to help enhance your body’s natural detoxification process. Impurities will release when patients place their hands or feet in a saline and mineral solution and direct current creates an electromagnetic ionic field to force these toxins to exit.
Healthy individuals can expect to feel lighter and experience a greater sense of well being from each IonCleanse session. Many people with pain, edema, gout and swollen or deteriorating joints report considerable symptomatic relief from IonCleanse sessions.
Click Detox Bath Brochure to learn how the toxins that enter our bodies can very easily be eliminated with the EB Pro Energy Balancing System.
There are precautions for patients with a pre-existing conditions to using the Ion Cleanse System. Read More on Ion Cleanse Sessions and learn how the exposure to positive and negative ions helps with acidity levels. Approximately 95% of people in this culture experience a state of acidity; that is, their bodies contain an excess of hydrogen ions, and their blood pH is lower than 7.45. These people will greatly benefit from exposure to high concentrations of negatively charged ions.
Feeling exhausted lately? Imagine having vitality, more mental clarity, clear skin, a stronger immune system, and looking and feeling healthy? By detoxifying your body, you can enjoy these benefits and more.